Ivan Sellers listen some interviews, circles and resourcing sessions, read the blog, some material in the shared directory and write this notes.
Thank you Ivan Sellers for sharing your thoughts about Innovations for the Future (I4F).
What is Innovations for the Future?
An effort to identify and highlight the work of innovators, edge workers, individuals associations, groups pushing boundaries to bring forth a future that offers new and better ways for humanity to coexist with nature and to address the challenges of our society
An effort to bring the distinctions and maps of Possibililty Management and Regenerative Development and other tools that can facilitate the emergence of a 4.0 society
An effort to bring changemakers together so that they do not feel alone, so that collective intelligence can be put into place, and so that there is an exchange of dialogue, of learning, and of experience
An effort to give voice to changemakers (as a collective and as a movement) and to allow others to both connect with them and to learn from and participate in (become aware of) the changes that are taking place.
An effort to bring resourcing to these innovators
An effort to facilitate learning and access to funding
How can people experience Innovation for the Future (I4F) ?
Through Resourcing sessions
By participating in an interview to help transmit the essence of their work
By inviting a sensing session of their project or by participating in a sensing session with another group
By joining an activation program in their area or bio-region
By creating a local Innovation for the future WhatsApp or telegram group
How can I4F generate revenues for itself?
Possible answer: activation program; Regenerative Development and Possibility Management trainings ; consulting;
What is the value I (generic “me”) would see in my interaction with I4F and how would I value this interaction?
Possible answer: keeping the focus on regeneration
How to decentralize the management of I4F so that local nodes could emerge?
Possible Answer: create a group of practice with any members that have the capacity to “coach”
How to create a sense of a collective amongst people in different areas of Portugal around I4F? Shared Codex? Sense of being a member?
Possible answer: create a ritual of celebration once someone had done Possibilty Management and Regenerative Development or an activation program.
How to create relevance for the service that I4F brings ?
My story is that this is a concept in creation; it is not yet a finished product.
About language
Using references to new words and concepts can be off-putting especially to people in the countryside. Invites the translation of concepts into simpler concepts or at least to bring definitions (maps) before using such terminology.
What is alive in you after reading this notes ?
You can share in the telegram group 'I4F - Crowd Events': https://t.me/
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